Caleb's candles

Caleb's candles
sample candle

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


We've had a bout of illness in our family.  You know how it is in families with contagious diseases - once one person gets it...All things that have easily been remedied with readily available and inexpensive antibiotics.  We don't think twice about it.  Make a doctor's appointment followed by a quick stop at a pharmacy.  But much of the world doesn't have this luxury.  Now I don't normally think of my family as living in luxury, because we do our best to live with less so that we have more to give.  But, truly, we have wealth compared to much of the world, if even just the ability to buy medicines for our children.  Sitting in church two weeks ago, we heard about people in underdeveloped countries without basic necessities, such as medicine.  Caleb was touched by the need and set out to fill one medical clinic with supplies.  It would cost $250.  He quickly figured out that if he sold 25 candles for $10 each he could stock one clinic.  He had just enough wax left for 25 candles, which sold in 2 days.  With no more wax left, he eyed up the bags of recycle piling up in our yard.  Nope...can't have those.  Caleb's little brother Isaac has collected bags of bottles and cans to turn into money to stock another clinic.  You have to watch this too can be contagious!

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